
Transgender Day

Transgender day was initially introduced in Tamil Nadu in 2005 by VHS. Positive past experiences enabled VHS-DIVA project to scale up TG day in the entire country in a phased manner. As a part of it, TG day was organized by the initiatives of VHS-DIVA project with the support of the CBOs, SACS, key stakeholders, NACO and other supportive organizations in six states during the last year.

The experiences gained through these TG day program in Tamil Nadu and in six states has enabled VHS-DIVA project to pilot and scale up to eighteen states in the country. During 2021-2018, the TG day program was organized in 13 states, to encourage participation of the TG community and allow for their mainstreaming into society.

To Know more about the events details, Click here

To view the compilation of Transgender events conducted by the project Click here